Ancestors of James and Sherri Howell
This website includes the ancestors of James and Sherri Howell. I have completed the second pass through the databases with my cleanup effort. I am beginning third pass. In addition to clean-up, I am trying to validate non-ancestral children and spouses of ancestors and am attempting to use contemporary place names. Some of the information still comes from questionable sources. I have eliminated the links that are clearly erroneous, but have left many questionable links pending further research.
Color coding:
Aqua - Jim's ancestors worked on in the second pass
Blue - Jim's ancestors worked on in the third pass and Jim and Sherri's descendants
Fushia - Sherri's ancestors worked on in the third pass
Green - Collateral lines - Non-ancestral children and spouses of ancestors (3rd pass)
Black - Records that have not been worked on in the second or third pass
Red - Records that are currently being researched
I will update the web site from time to time.
Created 28 March 2016 with RootsMagic Genealogy Software